Wrist & Hand Guards:
When you’re learning, a set of wrist guards wouldn’t go amiss. These are fairly comfortable and after using them a bit you barely notice them. And given that when you’re learning key skills you’re most at-risk of having a fall, I’d suggest buying a pair until everything is reflexive.

Fox Titan Jacket:
Again, when you’re beginning, being padded-up isn’t a bad thing as you’re most at-risk of making an error. Fox Racing sells a Mountain Biking jacket with all the pads built into it. Takes 2 seconds to put effective armour on and as a practical matter it doesn’t encumber you.
This jacket is comfortable, doesn’t restrict motion and will save you from serious blunt-force trauma in a fall or a collision. I definitely recommend this jacket when starting your journey learning to ride a Penny-Farthing. I sourced mine HERE