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Traversing Fords on Penny-Farthings: Although Ed and I make it look easy, there’s a reason all the other Penny-Farthing cyclists are walking their bikes across the ford: it is dangerous- even on a regular bicycle. Under the water the path is cobbled and the stones are slick and uneven. Seriously, it was all I could do to avoid wrecking in this video. Andy, the host of the social cycle told us a woman broke her hip cycling across this same ford- on a regular bicycle- the previous week. Ed and myself are fairly experienced Penny-Farthing cyclists- Ed has over 40 years experience- but unless you’re confident of your skills, remember: you dry faster than you heal. Walk your PF across fords until you have some significant experience riding Penny-Farthings. And even then it’s probably a good idea to walk your bike across a ford 😉
20 Examples of dangerous driving- assessed against the Highway Code- you can expect to see road cycling a Penny-Farthing. The Highway Code Rules a group of motorists violate is cited at beginning of a section and additional Rules violated at the end of each video.
Cycling on a regular bicycle on UKs roads is dangerous enough. Don’t believe for a moment that aggressive motorists will show any greater care for your safety riding a Penny-Farthing. The fact that your head is 8+ feet above the road surface and if they interfere with you there’s a good chance serious injury or death will be of no concern to these selfish nitwits. Your safety will ALWAYS be trumped by their selfish need to get home for dinner a minute earlier or buy a packet of crisps at their local Qwickie Mart. In one of the video vignettes, a murderist, erm “motorist” actually cuts across a mini-roundabout to intentionally strike me. Another comes with inches of striking me with their wing mirror down a country lane. In yet another segment a motorist comes comes within inches of striking me after passing dangerously. The videos cover both roads as well as country lanes- no where are you safe from these selfish people. The only real defense is cycling in a group AND with a cycle cam. People tend to restrain their worst instincts when there’s an abundance of witnesses.